Monday, May 25, 2009

A Trip to Frys and Play n Trade

Ok people. Its been a while since I've updated my youtube page with information, but I did so this morning. Just two days ago I took a trip to Frys Electronics. For those of you who have never been there it is pretty much like a Best Buy. At Frys I bought a Pinnacle Dazzle Video Capture Card for $50. With this capture card I hope to start putting up game reviews within the next week or so. Latley I have been influenced a lot by PeteDorr, a Youtuber that owns an immense collection of video games. So I have decided to start my own rare Playstation 1 collection. Yesterday I went Play n Trade and I bought a game called Primal Rage to start my rare collection. I will do a review on this game soon.

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